Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Current Products
In stock now!
We currently have 10 sets of leather and spring stainless steel finger gauntlets in stock. We have two sizes medium and large.
We have attached the metal fingers to high quality leather half gauntlets. These will be great for spear fighting or use with sword and shield. Pre Pennsic sale price $400.00 plus shipping. Pennsic price will be $500.
We also have spring stainless finger bucklers in stock at the sale price of $25.
Medium and large spring stainless simple shoulders now in stock, sale price $40.
To order send us an email scottfrappier@comcast.net
Coming in two weeks!
Coming soon!
-Elbows (Yes they will have arches.)
-Knees (Yes they will have arches.)
-Full Arms
-Vambrace with Elbow Cop (Both splinted or solid one piece vambrace.)
-Another Finger Gauntlet (wisby style)
-Basket Hilts