Did you know spring stainless is three times stronger than normal stainless? 22 gauge spring stainless is roughly the equivalent of 14 gauge stainless.
1. It is light weight.
2. It is protective
3. It is very low maintenance
4. It is cost effective
5. And finally it looks good.
You can spend a great deal of time and money trying different materials, mild steel, titanium and traditional stainless steel. In the end you will not be satisfied as it will either be to heavy, not look correct, not protect, cost too much or be a great effort to keep rust free. This will result in you purchasing more equipment to eliminate one or all of these factors.
When you compare all the factors we believe spring stainless steel is the best solution for most armor.We hope that you agree that these new innovative and attractive products are cutting edge blending of historical lines, protection, low maintenance, light weight and fair prices. We hope you see the value in form and function that we are offering.